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Folkloristični portreti iz 20. stoletja. Do konstituiranja slovenske slovstvene folkloristike. Marija Stanonik
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The monograph ('Folkloristic Portraits from 20th Century. Till the constitution Slovenian folkloristics') is chronical and logical continuation of the first book Folk portraits of three centuries. The author deals with 14 personalities who were active in the first half of the 20th century, ie. till the constitution of Slovenian folkloristics: J. Polivka, M. Murko, I. Koštial, I. Grafenauer, F. Kotnik, J. Kelemina, J. Glonar, F. Stele, J. Glazer, P. Zablatnik, V. Möderndorfer, L. Zupanc, J. Dolenc, M. Matičetov.

Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-254-664-9
Year 2013
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 16,5 × 23,5 cm 508 pages


20th century | biography | folklore research | folklorists | history | literary folklore | oral literature | portraits | Slovenia | Slovenian folk literature