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Sveti Coprijan. Pravljice, povedke in drugo pripovedno izročilo iz Motnika in okolice. Gašper Križnik
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In this scientiific monograph ('Saint Magician. Fairy Tales, Folktales and Other Narrative Tradition from Motnika and Surroundings') are presented folkteles and other narrative traditions from Central Slovenia which were collected towards the end of the 19th century by Gašper Križnik, a simple shoemaker and shopkeeper from Motnik near Kamnik. The collected material is commented and the accompanying introductions are added. Valuable and until today not applied material has now after 150 years finally found its place among the treasures of intangible heritage on the international map.

Collected by Gašper Križnik
Publishing House Založba ZRC
Co-publishers Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Knjižnica Franceta Balantiča Kamnik
ISBN 978-961-05-0449-8
Year 2020
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 21,5 × 28 cm 456 pages


ethnology | fairy tales | folklore research | Križnik, Gašper | literary folklore | Motnik | narrativity | proverbs | riddles | Slovenian folk literature | Slovenian folk tales | Slovenian folk tradition | superstitions | tales | Upper Savinja Valley