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Beseda ni konj. Estetska struktura slovenskih folklornih obrazcev. Saša Babič
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Short folklore forms are diverse group of short folklore texts; some of these are used in everyday communication and are still alive, others are reserved for specific moments; some of them are disappearing from our linguistic and cultural environment. Their structure,function, texture and context of use differ very greatly, as well as their length; it may comprise a single word (eg. greetings), one sentence (proverbs, riddles) or a short text (defense, prayer). Book systematically and comprehensively shows the origin, structure and classification system, and aesthetic structures of the most representative short folklore forms: working exclamations, greetings, curses, proverbs, riddles, incantations and prayers.

Author Saša Babič ORCID-iD_icon_vector
Other authors edited by Barbara Ivančič Kutin ORCID-iD_icon_vector
Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-254-766-0
Year 2015
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 17 × 24 cm 160 pages


curses | folklore research | greetings | literary folklore | proverbs | riddles | short folklore forms | Slovenia | Slovenian folk literature