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Sem vso noč lutal v krogu. Simbolika krožnega gibanja v evropski tradicijski kulturi. Mirjam Mencej
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This book ('I was wandering in circles the whole night long. The symbolism of circular movement in European traditional culture') researches the common symbolism of the circular movement in European tradition and culture through the ethnographical, historical and linguistic sources from different regions of Europe and from different historical periods. The circular movement is identifyed as the movement which is in traditional world view and understanding of the space caracteristic for the movements between this world and the other. At the same time it enables the communication between the worlds and transmition from one to the other.

Author Mirjam Mencej ORCID-iD_icon_vector
Publishing Houses Založba ZRC, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
ISBN 978-961-254-644-1
Year 2013
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 17 × 24 cm 232 pages


circular movement | collective volume | Europe | European folk culture | fabulous creatures | folk beliefs | folk customs | space and time | witches