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Migracije in kriminaliteta. Pogled čez meje stereotipov in predsodkov. Aleš Bučar Ručman
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The link between migration and crime profoundly surpasses narrow stereotypes and prejudices about the “criminal newcomers”. Points of intersection between analysed two phenomena can be found in the following forms: Structural violence/crime which runs in the background of direct violence and influences on the global conditions and represents the reason for emigration, and in addition an element of victimization of immigrants and their descendants after settlement in immigration societies. Direct violence or direct crime, which is manifested in four forms: a) crime, acting as a push factor and the cause of international migration (wars, conflicts, economic violence, environmental crime, organized crime, etc.). b) Crimes connected to the exploitation of migrants (human trafficking, smuggling of people, forced prostitution, exploitation of workers etc.); c) Crimes of immigrants and their descendants; d) Crimes based on intolerance, xenophobia and racism. At the beginning of the book ('Migration and Crime: A Perspective Over the Borders of Stereotypes and Prejudices'), author presents theoretical conceptualization of described issues, which is later checked with the use of analysis of the situation in Slovenia (statistical analysis, combined with case study and field research in the city municipality Velenje).

Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-254-754-7
Year 2014
Series Migracije 24
Language(s) Slovenian

paperback 14,5 × 20,5 cm 512 pages


crime | Europe | international migrations | migrants | migrations | Slovenia