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Še vedno na prepihu. Pripovedi iz dežele med Logatcem in Črnim Vrhom, Uncem in Rovtami. Milan Trobič
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The book ('Still Feeling the Draft: Narratives from the Area between Logatec and Črni Vrh, and between Unec and Rovte') includes 705 folktales from the wind-swept area situated between Logatec and Črni Vrh and between Unec and Rovte. They commit to memory people’s journeys, their everyday, specific activities, social contacts and relations, beliefs, values, words and other features of their daily life. The narratives have been classified in various sections. In addition to the tales of robbery, which have a special place in this publication, there are of historical, social, and ethnological significance, all of which directly reflect regional peculiarities. The area, which by many Slovenians is considered rather peripheral, has thus been placed at the center of various historical and spatial currents. Once situated between the court in Vienna and Trieste, it is now embedded in the current social processes.

The author of this text, who is an ethnologist and a journalist by profession, has very likely managed to sensitively rescue from oblivion the memories of past events and the rural culture at the last possible moment. Consisting of a myriad of farming and trade tasks and work related to the locally typical forms of transportation of goods, this rural life was always accompanied by customs, be it those linked with work, the yearly or the life cycles, by the related celebrations, a wealth of accumulated knowledge, skills, and by wisdom. These helped people to successfully plod through the hardships of life in an environment that had not been spared either by nature or by various stirring historical events and social changes of the past.

Author Milan Trobič
Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-254-854-4
Year 2016
Series Glasovi 46
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 14 × 20,5 cm 398 pages


ethnology | folk literature | folklore research | folk tradition | literary folklore | Logatec | Slovenian folk tales | tales | Črni Vrh