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Salto immortale. Študije o prevajanju poezije. Boris A. Novak
Regular price: 35.00 €Online price: 31.50 €

Salto immortale deals with questions of poetry translation, particularly in terms of metre, rhythm and verse. A variety of poetic forms are dealt with, spanning from classical antiquity to the present day. The author, who is himself an expert in verse theory, a poet and a prolific translator of poetry from a number of languages into Slovene, offers a rigorous discussion backed by a number of poetic texts and complemented by his first-hand experience as a poetry translator.

Publishing House Založba ZRC
Co-publishers Založba ZRC, Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev
ISBN 978-961-254-259-7
Year 2011
Language(s) Slovenian

paperback 14,5 × 21 cm 308 + 312 pages two volumes


French poetry | literary translation | poetry | Romance literature | studies | theory of translation | translating | translators | versification