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Gorske bukve 1582. Gornih bukvi od krajlove svetlosti ofen inu potrjen general inu privilegium. Iz nov v slavenski jezik iztulmačan skuzi Andreja Recla, farmostra na Raki. Alenka Jelovšek
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The translation of the Styrian Vineyard Act (1543), prepared by Andrej Recelj in 1582, deserves a special place in Slovenian history as the oldest preserved legislative text in the Slovenian language and as one of the oldest Slovenian texts with secular content in general. In addition, it is the longest preserved Slovenian text by a Catholic author from the 16th century, which gives us at least a partial insight into the language used in Catholic circles that was developed in parallel to the literary language of Protestants of the period, and also illuminates the relationship between written and contemporary spoken languages. It contains a rich vocabulary, which the translator drew from folk expressions related to viticulture and from the traditions of oral justiciary, especially vineyard law, within which the Slovenian legal terminology was formed. In addition to the critical transcript and language modernization of the text, the monograph brings several discussions that illuminate the text, its author and the manuscript itself from a literary historical, historical, linguistic and legal historical points of view.

Finally, it brings a description of the historical significance of land that was subject to vineyard law in Raka (where the translator of Gorske Bukve was stationed at the time of translation).

Edited by Alenka Jelovšek ORCID-iD_icon_vector
Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-05-0540-2
Year 2021
Language(s) Slovenian

paperback 16,5 × 23,5 cm 320 pages


13th century | history | law | legal history | legislation | Slovenia | terminology | viticulture