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Zbrano delo, 3. knjiga. Enodejanke; Dramske pesnitve; Lutkovne igre. Miran Jarc
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The third volume of Collected Works by the Slovenian poet and writer Miran Jarc (1900–1942) features his plays. It encompasses expressionist one-act plays that are often in verse; some were published in periodicals of that time, and others have been preserved as part of the author’s estate, but none of them have ever been staged. Even Jarc’s most important work, the play in verse Vergerij (Vergerio), is only known from the three passages published in 1927, 1929, and 1932; this is why literary history has considered it fragmentary, but the editor of the third volume of Jarc’s collected works discovered three identical typescript versions from the first half of the 1930s in various estates, which probably indicate that the work was completed in full. Vergerij too was not staged until 1972. Jarc’s plays are rounded off by three passages from his unfinished works: Nočna igra (A Night Play, 1933), Vaška Antigona (A Rural Antigone, 1939), and Gabrenja (Mr. Gabrenja, 1942). Almost completely unknown to date are Jarc’s works created for the puppet theater from 1923 onwards. Three puppet plays have been preserved, but just as many texts, which were mentioned in the newspapers and letters from that time, have clearly been lost. The commentary in this critical edition exhaustively analyzes the writings of Slovenian critics and literary historians on Jarc as a playwright.

Author Miran Jarc
Other authors edited by Drago Bajt
Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-254-809-4
Year 2015
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 14 × 20,5 cm 450 pages


20th century | Jarc, Miran | literary commentaries | literary studies | puppet games | Slovenian drama | Slovenian dramatists | Slovenian poetry | Slovenian poets