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Večnost in spreminjanje. Filozofija v brezsvetnem času. Jelica Šumič-Riha
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Book (‘Eternity and Change. Philosophy in a Wordless Times’) is an attempt to theorize one of the burning issues of our time, namely, that of a possible change of the world conceived in terms of an immanent exit in a world that knows no limits, no outside. In examining the possibility of the change of the transcendental regime of discursivity, the author analyses different approaches to this problem offered by Badiou's transitive ontology, Deleuzes ontology of virtuality, Agambens ontology of potentiality and Lacan's critique of ontology.

Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-254-364-8
Year 2012
Series Philosophica Moderna
Language(s) Slovenian

paperback 13 × 20 cm 341 pages


21st century | contemporary philosophy | philosophy | political philosophy | Slovenian philosophy | time