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Antropologija med štirimi stenami. Spoznavanje družbe in sebe med pandemijo. Dan Podjed
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What happens when an anthropologist is stuck between four walls? Who should he research in solitude? The book describes the dilemma of a "professional voyeur" who began to observe himself and his relatives during the pandemic and published his recordings on the internet. This created a strange dialogue between the showman turned observer and the society that followed and commented on his strange habits: from disinfecting purchased food and shower bottles to spotting the birds that settled on the abandoned playground. Is he weird - or are we weird?

Author Dan Podjed ORCID-iD_icon_vector
Other authors afterword by Vesna Milek
Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-05-0467-2
Year 2020
Language(s) Slovenian

paperback 20 × 12 cm 152 pages illustrated


anthropology | blogs | COVID-19 | epidemics | everyday life | infectious diseases | memories | pandemics | quarantine