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Humanizacija dela. Spomini na začetke slovenske industrijske robotike in robotizacije . Uroš Stanič
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In 2020, the Technical Museum of Slovenia mounted a temporary exhibition » the origins of industrial robotics in Slovenia« to commemorate 100 years since the first mention of the word robot in Čapek's drama R.U.R. and 40 years since the first Slovenian industrial robot, GORO 1, was built and installed on the enamelling line of the Gorenje factory. The book ('Humanisation of Work: reminiscing the origins of Slovenian industrial robotics and robotization') by Uroš Stanič, recipient of the Puh Prize for his life's work in the field of functional electrical stimulation and robotization, is designed to build on the historical documentation of the beginnings of this important creative process, which enabled the intensive robotization of Slovenian industry. The author presents the remarkable development of the field in a systematic yet very personal way, and also shows the meaning and mission of this great intellectual and technical advance: to improve or even save human life. The book is complemented by the memoirs of a number of other authors and fellow researchers in the development of robots or robotics in Slovenia.

Author Uroš Stanič
Other authors afterword Dan Podjed ORCID-iD_icon_vector
Publishing House Založba ZRC
Co-publishers Institute of Cultural History, Tehniški muzej Slovenije
ISBN 978-961-05-0863-2
Year 2024
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 16,5 × 23,5 cm 167 pages


automation | historical surveys | history | industrial robotics | industrial robots | memories | robotics | robots | Slovenia | social aspect | Yugoslavia