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Smo slišali ptičice peti. Zbirka pesmi iz Loške doline. Frančiška Truden
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Fani Truden from Stari trg near Lož is an avid collector of songs of her surroundings; she learned the songs as a child listening to her mother and at school; later she heard them from elderly people of surrounding villages, at events and on the radio. The repertoire of numerous and thematically diverse songs, which Fani Truden keeps in her memory and sings by herself or with her Singers from Loška dolina, was collected in the songbook Smo slišali ptičice peti ('We heard the birds sing'). On the one hand, the songbook reveals the past song heritage of the Loška dolina, and on the other hand, it paves the way for these songs to find their place in the community again in the future.

Collected by Frančiška Truden
Other authors edited by Urša Šivic
Publishing Houses Javni sklad Republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti (Območna izpostava Cerknica), Kulturno društvo Notranjska, Založba ZRC
Co-publishers Institute of Ethnomusicology, Društvo upokojencev Loška dolina
ISBN 978-961-05-0567-9
Year 2021
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 16,5 × 23,5 cm 304 pages


collections | Loška Dolina | Slovenian folk songs | Slovenian folk songs