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Procesi ustvarjanja kulturne dediščine. Kraševci med tradicijo in izzivi sodobne družbe. Jasna Fakin Bajec
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Based on theoretical reflection and extensive fieldwork, this volume ('Cultural Heritage Creation Processes. Karst Residents between Tradition and Modern Society') reveals the role of cultural heritage between tradition and innovation in the Karst region. The main purpose of the work is not only to present the significance of heritage in today’s globalized world, but also its main bearers: the creators and users of heritage living in the Karst region. The work sheds light on good and incorrect practices of representing the rural past, using heritage to develop tourism activities and presenting the local environment, and the importance of heritage for marking local identity. It also discusses the professional role in creating Karst heritage, as well as good and somewhat mistaken approaches by experts in considering local experiences, beliefs, and ideas.

Other authors afterword by Janez Bogataj; edited by Jurij Fikfak ORCID-iD_icon_vector
Publishing House Založba ZRC
Co-publishers Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, Občina Komen
ISBN 978-961-254-343-3
Year 2011
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 17 × 24 cm 320 pages


cultural heritage | economic development | ethnology | evaluation | identity | Karst | management | presentation | Slovenia | social development | tourism