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Normativnost v slovarjih slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Manca Černivec
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This monography ('Normativity in the Dictionaries of the Slovenian Standard Language') addresses the normative role of general descriptive dictionaries, whose main purpose is to show the semantic diversity of lexical or dictionary units. The informativeness of the dictionary can be extended in terms of the proposed concept of the dictionary. In Slovenia, the normative evaluation of dictionary units and linguistic phenomena is inextricably linked to the standard language register (traditionally called literary language); it is a regulated language code intended for successful communication between all participants on a supradialectal and supraregional level. The goal of evaluating linguistic means is to determine what is normal or standard in standard language and what is the relationship between the standard and the linguistic means that are being evaluated. The basic starting points of the monography were related to the content and presentation of normative information in monolingual general descriptive dictionaries: What does the normative information comprise (content) and how is the normative information conveyed to the user (presentation).

Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-05-0833-5
Year 2024
Series Lingua Slovenica 17
Language(s) Slovenian

paperback 14,5 × 21 cm 262 pages


monolingual dictionaries | normativity | orthography | Slovene language