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Minka Skabernè (1882–1965). Pobudnica in ustanoviteljica prve slovenske knjižnice za slepe. Saša Poljak Istenič
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“Learning of reading and writing, adapted for the blind, is one of the most important points in the education of the blind.” This is a quote by Minke Skabernè (1882–1965), the initiator and founder of the first Slovenian library for the blind, which illustrates her lifelong voluntary work. By setting Minka's life and work in the historical context, the monograph evaluates her contribution to the care of the blind and her role in the development of their education. The book brings the studies on her education and work (Tatjana Hojan), on her role in the development of care for the blind in Slovenia (Aleksandra Serše) and on her work for the library for the blind (Petra Testen), all framed by the review of women's movement and charity at the turn of the century (Irena Selišnik) and the outline of the Skaberne family (Tone Smolej). Additionally, the book contains reprints of Minka's basic texts, with which she had been actively influencing the establishment of the Centre for the Blind in Ljubljana and broke new ground in the development of the care for the blind in Slovenia. Collected photo material places Minka Skaberne in the circle of her family, colleagues and friends. The book was published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Library of the blind and visually impaired, which bears her name in recognition of her efforts for this vulnerable group.

Publishing House Založba ZRC
Co-publishers Institute of Cultural History, Zveza slepih in slabovidnih Slovenije
ISBN 978-961-05-0054-4
Year 2018
Series Življenja in dela XV. Biografske študije 11
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 17 × 24 cm 200 pages insert


biography | blind | charity | education | Skaberne, Minka | Slovenia | societies | special libraries | visually impaired persons | welfare