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Kras v Sloveniji v prostoru in času [druga pregledana izdaja]. Ivan Gams
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The word “karst” usually evokes images of some picturesque features such as caves with marvelously shaped stalactites, dolines, uvalas, karst poljes, natural bridges, and the like. The book before us, however, leads the reader to an awareness of karst as a comprehensive and multifaceted natural phenomenon, the result of diverse conditions and processes in its formation. Viewing karst from a comprehensive natural-history viewpoint, it is not the unusual phenomena that intrigue us but rather the diversity that elicits so many questions. The book Karst in Slovenia offers the most extensive and rounded overview of karst in this country. Its center of gravity is the natural history presentation of all of Slovenia’s karst regions and the achievements of both domestic and foreign karstology. The book focuses on karst phenomena both underground and on the surface and on the relationship between people and karst.

Author Ivan Gams
Other authors edited by Martin Knez ORCID-iD_icon_vector; cartography Iztok Sajko
Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-6500-46-3
Year 2004
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 20 × 27 cm 515 pages 293 colour and 10 b-w illustrations, 136 colour and b-w maps


geomorphology | hydrogeology | karst (geology) | karst caves | karstology | karst phenomena | physical geography | Slovenia