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Terminološki slovar avtomatike [prva izdaja]. Tadej Bajd, Rihard Karba, Gorazd Karer, Mojca Žagar Karer, Juš Kocijan
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The dictionary comprises 1753 terms from the field of automatic control, which includes mathematical modelling, simulation of dynamical systems, automation technology with the relevant elements, and robotics. The field is also interconnected with signal processing, information technologies and production technologies. The dictionary is aimed at experts and students who deal with control technology and dynamical systems within technical as well as non-technical domains. The terms are explained either by a definition, which places a concept in the concept system of the domain, or by a cross-reference, which suggests a more suitable term. The normative data strives to make the terminology in the field of automatic control, systems and robotics more unified. This is important because different terms used for the same concept often result in misunderstandings that prevent precise and effective communication among experts. The domain is strongly connected to English terminology, therefore English equivalents are also provided in the dictionary.

Publishing House Založba ZRC
Co-publishers Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, Društvo avtomatikov Slovenije
ISBN 978-961-254-719-6
Year 2014
Series Slovarji
Language(s) Slovenian

hardback 17 × 24 cm 136 pages


automatics | dictionaries | terminological dictionaries | terminology