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Jews in Slovenia in the Middle Ages. Klemen Jelinčič Boeta
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Jews in Slovenia in the Middle-Ages is exploring the medieval Jewish history of Carinthia, Styria, Carniola, Gorizia County, Trieste and northern Venetian Istria. The description starts with the Antiquity, including the treatment of Aquileia, and ends with the expulsion of Jews from Carinthia and Styria in 1496 and from Carniola in 1515. The book is covering the topic thoroughly with the examination of all the available sources and literature writing about them until the present day. It is an indispensable work for all those trying to understand the medieval Jewish history of Southeastern Alps, Inner Austria and Slovenia.

Klemen Jelinčič Boeta, PhD, graduated at the universities of Tel Aviv and Ljubljana and wrote a series of books in Jewish studies in Slovenian (Kratka zgodovina Judov, 'Short History of Jews', Judje na Slovenskem, 'Jews of Slovenia', Judje na Slovenskem v srednjem veku, 'Jews in Slovenia in Middle-Ages', in Uvod v judovstvo, 'Introduction to Judaism', 2009-2010), as well as papers on medieval Jewish experience in Slovenian lands, both in Slovenian and English. He also wrote the books Vzhodne cerkve na kratko, 'Eastern Churches in Brief' (2015) and Protestantske cerkve in skupnosti, 'Protestant Churches and Communities' (2018), both in Slovenian, followed by Languages and Peoples of Europe (2021), published in Slovenian and English versions.

Publishing House Založba ZRC
ISBN 978-961-05-0835-9
Year 2024
Language(s) English

hardback 16,5 × 23,5 cm 380 pages


Austria | history | Jews | Middle Ages | Slovenia